This volume contains several different elaborated versions of Palestrina’s famous madrigal by:-
- Giovanni Bassano
- Francesco Rognoni
- Francesco Maria Bassani
- Giovanni Battista Bovicelli
First published in 1561, Palestrina’s Io son ferito was one of the more widely-arranged pieces of its day. Like his Vestiva i colli, which was even more popular, it is a relatively conservative piece without any dramatic contrasts or intense word-painting; it is, however, precisely this aspect of the work that made it a good starting-point for improvisation. As well as the divisions included here, there are several other surviving arrangements, including a magnificent keyboard fantasia by Samuel Scheidt, (Tablatura Nova) and a duo in
Giuseppe Giamberti’s Duo tessuti con diversi Solfeggiamenti of 1657 ↣ .