There are nine four-part fantasies in this collection. They use an old form and style, but greatly extend the harmonic language.
These nine magnificent fantasies for viols were composed during the summer of 1680; in the autograph source (London, British Library, Add. MS 30930) each piece is dated.
In arranging this music for recorders some compomises had inevitably to be made, especially in the bass part, in particular to avoid normally non-existent notes such as low F sharp. In two cases we provide alternative versions in different keys. On the whole these arrangements have been made on the assumption that players have instruments that work properly over the two octaves and a tone; neverthless in a few cases we have suggested alternatives for those who wish to avoid the higher notes.
These works are masterpieces both of contrapuntal ingenuity and of truly expressive writing. They repay the effort of intense study, and we would suggest that they be taken carefully one at a time.
(David Katz)